Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade for Humans and Other Animals
Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade for Humans and Other Animals
Diatomaceous earth, or DE, is an organic compound composed not of earth, but of tiny, microscopic algae plankton known as diatoms. Food ingredient supplier Bell Chem wishes to inform you about the many uses of food grade diatomaceous earth.
Diatom exoskeletons are composed of biogenic silica, and, if you are not aware, silica is a huge contributor to the earth’s exterior (approximately 26%) and is a component of clay, quartz, feldspar, and sand, to name a few. Diatom deposits are used for both food grade and industrial businesses.
The differences between industrial grade and food grade silica are quite distinct: industrial silica contains more calcined silica with impurities while food grade is uncalcined and contains less than 1% crystalline silica. In other words, it is more finely ground and much purer. Food grade also relates to any products manufactured for consumption either as a food, beverage, medicine, or cosmetic. But why would you want to consume the skeletal remains of a one-celled marine or freshwater creature?
For Humans
Studies on the effects of DE on skin are ongoing, but appear promising. As a dietary supplement, DE has been noted to purge impurities from the digestive tract (a detoxifier), and lower LDL and triglyceride cholesterol levels.
Osteoporosis causes large areas of hard bone tissue to weaken by forming large, porous areas within the bone. This seriously weakens bones, leading to fractures, pain, and, eventually, loss of mobility and even morbidity. In 30 years of studies, dietary silica such as that found in food grade DE has been deemed beneficial and possibly quite important for bone formation and ongoing rigidity.
Hair and nails rely on silicon as well. According to many ongoing studies, when silicon is ingested, it appears to reduce hair loss and increase hair’s sheen. The mineral composition of human nails is primarily silicon, and an imbalance causes brittle, broken nails. Dietary DE seems to mitigate those effects.
For Other Animals
In animal kennels and stalls, dusting with DE keeps fleas, ticks, mites, and other tiny insects from infiltrating. Insects and arachnids who ingest DE quickly die because the sharp silica edges tear through their digestive systems. However, larger animals such as chickens, dogs, and guinea pigs are unaffected once DE settles into the animals’ habitats.
For Humans and Other Animals
As an insecticide, DE is exceptional. Every insect has a hard outer casing called an exoskeleton. When DE touches insect exoskeletons, it erodes the wax covering. While this seems a minor problem, it is a huge circumstance for insects since they retain water through that hard shell. Eroding the wax causes water to easily escape, and the insect quickly dehydrates.
Bell Chem is a food ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including diatomaceous earth. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.